
Our Holy Trinity community doesn’t exist only on Sundays! During the week, small groups gather in each others’ homes to study Scripture or a devotional book and pray. Often these groups share dinner together (or at least some cookies!) Please be in touch with Vicky if you’re interested in one of these weeknight groups.

We also enjoy a regular rhythm of monthly events and opportunities for small-group theological discussion and Catechesis. As an Anglican church, we mark the liturgical year with special services and festive gatherings in Advent, Lent, and Easter. 

And of course, we love to spend time together as a church in the beautiful place where we live: whether that’s playing games in the park for Fourth of July, hiking among the redwoods, day tripping to the beach, or simply enjoying pizza after a service.

Director of Community: Nik Bartunek

If you have any questions about community at Holy Trinity please reach out to our Director of Community, Nik Bartunek! He’ll be happy to answer any questions!