“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
Meet our kids team: Vicky, Mayra, Kate, Kathy, and Alyssa!
At Holy Trinity Church, children are an integral part of our community. It’s our goal to provide opportunities for HT Kids to grow in the love of Christ through age-appropriate teaching and play that focuses on God’s Word, prayer, and sacrament.
We offer:
Infant/toddler room (with window to view the sanctuary) has childcare and supervised play during part of the worship service. Parents may also accompany their own infants/toddlers in this room.
Pre-K to 7-year-olds - Bible-based books, coloring and crafts available in the sanctuary from our HT Kids Box on the back table.
We recognize that caring for children and youth is a sacred trust. All of our volunteers have undergone a background check and received certification through Ministry Safe training. We adhere to C4SO’s Child and Youth Protection policy.
For more information or questions, please contact Vicky Gorin at the button below.