Core Values

Our Core values are what we strive to live by as a Community and Body under Christ. This is not our exhaustive doctrine of faith but something we find valuable as a focal point for how we live, worship, and minister together.

We are rooted in the historic Christian faith. Our roots are nourished by three streams: the Scriptures, the Spirit, and the Sacred as expressed through the Sacraments. We seek to connect the teachings of Scripture and the expressions of God’s people throughout history to the lives of 21st-century people.

We are reverent in our worship. Through reverence of Christ, we are becoming a people who relate well to the Lord, others, ourselves, and creation.

We are redemptive in our witness to Christ. By cooperating with the Holy Spirit, we participate in God’s renewing activity in the world.


We are re-generational by seeking to live out our lives in Christ faithfully so that others, young and old, may come to believe and live their lives in him as well.